

This tag is associated with 7 posts

Note 351 – Writing or social media obsessions

As a writer you may need constant recognition that what you write is being read by others and they like it.  This might involve constantly checking for ‘comments’, ‘likes’ or just checking how many ‘hits’ a post has had every day.  Alternatively you could be waiting for an email, a letter, a competition entry, or just to see if your book idea has been … Continue reading

Note 236 – Writing Better Twitter Headlines

I came across an excellent tip today from in their article The Art of Wrting Great Twitter Headlines.  They advise you to think of your headline as a promise to the reader – what it is you are going to deliver to them and how you are going to ensure it fulfils their needs.  When … Continue reading

Note 224 – How using hashtags in Twitter can benefit writers

Although I’ve been tweeting in Twitter for nearly a year now, I’ve never really got the whole hashtag (#) thing, so I’ve decided to search for answers on hashtags in the Twitter Help function. According to Twitter: You can use hashtags (‘#’ symbol) to categorise your tweets, but the symbol needs to be used before a key word e.g. #writing or #punctuation.  This … Continue reading

Note 202 – Ever wondered what your Twitter account grade is?

Have you ever wondered how successful your Twitter account is?  Today I learnt about a great free tool called Tweet Grader (by HubSpot) and by just typing in your Twitter user name, you can find out how powerful your account is against millions of other graded accounts. It only takes a minute or so for your … Continue reading

Note 195 – Creating useful lists in Twitter which may help you as a writer

If you have a Twitter account and follow hundreds of people, it becomes an unmanageable task of viewing all the tweets from those you are following in your timeline – they pop up every second, all day long!  I just do a quick scan down my timeline now and again and read (and sometimes retweet) … Continue reading

Note 193 – Twitter isn’t a race – 6 rules and best practices for following

Since my post on 3 November (Note 187: How Writers Can Get More Followers on Twitter) I have managed to get an handful of additional followers.  Although there is probably nothing wrong with adding 80 or so people that I hadn’t chosen to follow individually, I felt a little uncomfortable with the process, so (being a goody goody) I decided … Continue reading

Note 187 – How writers can get more Twitter followers

After 5 minutes flow writing and still no inspiration for today’s blog, I thought I’d research getting more followers on Twitter.  After all that is part of the Daily Writing Tips course work this week.  Before signing up to the popular blog directories, I googled ‘Twitter followers for writers’ and it brought back 19 million results. The … Continue reading

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