

This tag is associated with 3 posts

Note 341 – Copywriting v copyrighting

Wikipedia defines copywriting as “the act of writing copy for the purpose of marketing and advertising a person, business, opinion or idea”.  Yesterday’s post Note 339 – What is a copywriter? included’s definition of copywriting which a “unique representation of an idea to hook more and more readers”.  According to The Cambridge Dictionaries online a copywriter is … Continue reading

Note 339 – What is a copywriter?

I’ve often wondered what a copywriter actually does and thought I would do a bit of research today.  Copywriting or ‘writing copy’ is the act of writing or editing content for a living.  “Commercial writers or copywriters have been around since the world became literate” says Allena Tapia in her post What exactly is a copywriter? (  She explains that the ‘content’ they … Continue reading

Note 236 – Writing Better Twitter Headlines

I came across an excellent tip today from in their article The Art of Wrting Great Twitter Headlines.  They advise you to think of your headline as a promise to the reader – what it is you are going to deliver to them and how you are going to ensure it fulfils their needs.  When … Continue reading

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